You may have heard the word financial resources read or perhaps the Anglo-Saxon concept, financial resources , sounds familiar to you . This term represents all the financial funds of the organization that have some degree of liquidity.

From an economic perspective, financial resources encompass all assets or assets of an organization. 

In addition, you will understand how companies use this economic resource to finance themselves or even make investments and earn money .

Financial resources, what do they consist of?

When talking about the economic response of a company to go to the market and obtain liquidity , the term financial resources is usually used. This concept is used to define the different assets of an organization that have some type of liquidity.

This asset class is used in day-to-day business. From the purchase of material, to the payment of salaries and payroll, to the coverage of debts or the renewal of equipment, among other operations.

In short, they are used to ensure the sustenance of a company, avoid financing and achieve economic objectives. As? Through excellent management of the inflow and outflow of funds and exhaustive control of the budget.

In fact, a sign of good financial health for an organization is the possibility of accessing these types of resources without having to resort to external financing.

And not only that, a good management of financial resources allows you to make investments to achieve more liquidity and profits . Businesses generate these types of resources from different actions and activities.

But before explaining how they are generated, we will detail all the financial resources and how they work.

How many kinds of financial resources are there?

As a general rule, the most common liquid financial resource is usually money because of its easy availability and access.

But there are more types of financial resources than cash . Among them are the following:

  • Business funds : deposits in financial institutions such as paid accounts or short-term bank deposits. And also they include quivalentes cash and checks as values.
  • Total corporate capital that represents the sum of all the money invested in the total assets of the organization , from passive to social capital (shares of the partners or owners of the company).
  • Liquid financial investments (money, gold), or stocks and bonds.

Finally, there is also another classification of financial resources that divides them into external and own resources .

Own resources are made up of everything that belongs to the company, from cash, capital stock or accumulated economic benefits.

On the other hand , as its name indicates, the external resources of an organization are external to it and belong to a third party . An example is bank loans or stocks, bonds, and bonds.

Most common examples

To understand a little better how this economic figure works, we are going to put some examples of financial resources .

The money available in the bank account is considered one of the main assets to be financed . Another example of cash is foreign currency currencies like dollars or yen. This cash is immediate, but it depends on the exchange rate.

Short-term bank deposits are liquid , so they also make up the financial resources of a business. Of course, this type of deposit is more limited than cash and access depends on its conditions.

Finally, the issuance of shares or the sale of products and services is another example of this financial concept.

How can these types of resources be generated?

When it comes to getting resources, companies often resort to selling their products or services. But there are other forms such as investments, loans, contributions from partners, grants or the issuance of securities.

As you have seen, it is very important for a company to know how to take advantage of this type of financial resources and optimize them as much as possible .

Not only to face the daily obligations of a business, but also to improve its growth and long-term investment. As you can see, financial resources are a kind of fundamental tool to achieve the objectives of your business. 

Of course, there are many types of financial resources and you must analyze which is the best for your company. For this, there is nothing better than training in financial education and being advised by experts to optimize their management.